Moscow hosted the 3rd National Congress with International Participation “National Healthcare” on 28–29 October 2024. The Congress was held with the support of the Russian Government and organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Roscongress Foundation. The organizing partner was the Russian Research Institute of Health of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
On 28 October, the Lomonosov Cluster of the Sparrow Hills ISTC of Moscow State University served as the venue for the Congress. On 29 October, the Great Hall of the State Kremlin Palace hosted the central event of the Congress: the plenary session ‘From Nikolay Semashko to the Present Day’, which was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the prominent scientist and doctor.
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gave a welcome address at the plenary session of the 3rd National Congress with International Participation “National Healthcare”.
The plenary session was moderated by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova. The event was attended by Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov, Director of the Russian Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) and Russia’s Chief State Sanitary Physician Anna Popova, Orenburg Region Governor Denis Pasler, and Russia 24 TV Channel Presenter Alexandra Suvorova.
“A special aspect of this Congress was its dedication to one of the major [healthcare] organizers and first People’s Commissar of Health Nikolay Alexandrovich Semashko, who laid the foundations for the world’s first state healthcare system and established a hierarchical state centralized model with a precinct-based principle of providing primary healthcare, which was subsequently implemented in many countries around the world (the UK, Norway, France, Sweden, Denmark, and Italy, among others). We adhered to the main principles of Semashko’s system through the years and laid the foundation of our own Russian healthcare system. We enshrined them in federal laws that were systematically adopted starting in 2010. And we continue to improve our legislation so that the achievements of Soviet and Russian medicine are available to people,” Golikova said.
The plenary session included a discussion about key focuses for the development and achievements of the Russian healthcare system through the lens of prominent Soviet healthcare organizer Nikolay Semashko: how people should take care of their health; the accessibility of medical care regardless of where one lives; the unified nature of prevention and treatment; public involvement in implementing the state’s policy in healthcare; ensuring sanitary well-being; managing healthcare from a scientific point of view; the provision of affordable and healthy nutrition for everyone; and modern affordable medical products.
The discussion participants presented information in the ‘past-present-future’ format on each thematic area of the session with a focus on what has been done since Semashko’s time, modern achievements, and what will be implemented in the future. They examined the advantages of the Soviet and Russian healthcare systems and the replication of the Soviet experience of building a healthcare system in other countries.
In his speech, Murashko noted Semashko’s legacy as the first people’s commissar of health and also spoke about how the Russian healthcare system has changed in recent years, what tasks it faces today, and what prospects lie ahead.
“It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is not a single section of healthcare that [Semashko] has not contributed to today. Using the terms of our times, he transformed the industry through technologies that remain in place more than 100 years later. By combining the principles of the Semashko system, today we are forming a healthcare paradigm that takes into account the new realities and level of technological development. The new paradigm involves working with individuals to achieve their optimal health trajectory. To this end, a seamless system is being created to support individuals throughout their entire lives. It became possible to talk about a shift in the paradigm after an actual standard of Russian medicine, including regional medicine, was established amidst the unprecedented development of infrastructure based on instructions from our country’s president. As part of the national project ‘Long and Active Life’, we also need to build more than 3,800 healthcare facilities, as well as carry out major repairs at almost 7,400 more facilities. The accelerated promotion of digital technologies and healthcare services is also of paramount importance. Special attention will be paid to specialized and high-tech assistance. Emergency assistance will also be developed. A key focus is the protection of motherhood and childhood. Great importance will be attached to the accelerated promotion of digital technologies and healthcare services,” Murashko said.
Falkov stressed that the Ministry of Education and Science is continuing the traditions of the Soviet and Russian scientific schools: “Thanks to the consolidated potential of various scientific focuses, today we can implement major interdisciplinary projects that make a significant contribution to solving urgent problems in practical healthcare. In total, 247 organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science are conducting scientific research in various areas of medicine and related fields of knowledge in 2023–2024. Their total funding amounted to RUB 33.2 billion. This is almost a third of the total budgetary allocations earmarked by the Ministry of Education and Science for fundamental scientific research.”
Popova noted Semashko’s achievements in creating a state system to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population: “We use the principles and approaches established by Semashko. At the same time, we have access to modern technologies that allow us to solve the problem of preventing and responding to health risks at an entirely new level. We have 46 reference centres that monitor biological risks based on the scientific institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, promptly analyse the situation, predict the emergence of new threats, and can study any dangerous or unknown pathogen, including the sensitivity of existing tests and the effectiveness of vaccines. The first independent Russian database of the results of genetic decoding of pathogens and a national electronic catalogue of pathogens have been created. New technologies are being used to inform and train the population in prevention skills and healthcare. Based on instructions from the Russian president, Rospotrebnadzor is strengthening Russia’s sanitary shield both within the country and in cooperation with its closest neighbours in the CIS and the EAEU, China, Mongolia, as well as friendly countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Russian technologies to combat epidemics are being successfully transmitted to more than 20 countries on four continents.”
Popova also emphasized that safe, nutritious, and high-quality nutrition is crucial to bolstering the country’s health: “As part of the Demographics National Project, we have taken the system of control over food safety and quality indicators, including laboratory control, to a new level. A massive information campaign on healthy nutrition has been organized, and 30,000 school menus have been adjusted. We are seeing the effects of this work. The number of children who add sugar and salt to their food is decreasing, and the consumption of fruits and vegetables is on the rise. The trend of obesity among schoolchildren is decreasing by 2% per year among primary school students, as is the incidence of diseases of the digestive system.”
Pasler commented on the implementation of healthcare projects in the Orenburg Region, where Semashko worked as a local doctor at a small hospital in Buzuluk in the early 20th century and worked with people to identify and formulate the principles that created the foundation of modern healthcare and remain in demand to this day: “The priority of preventive care proclaimed by Academician Semashko shaped the principles of the best public healthcare system. At the current stage, we are introducing a triune approach to preserving the health of the population – individual, corporate health, and the health of cities and villages. In the Orenburg Region, the main goal is to reach every patient. At present, 65 Orenburg enterprises and organizations are implementing their own corporate programmes. Semashko was the first to introduce medical examinations. In 2024, more than a million Orenburg residents underwent preventive medical examinations. We expanded this programme and created a regional centre for screening programmes to specifically detect oncological diseases at an early stage. Over the past five years, three major new medical facilities launched operations: a major regional children’s hospital in the Volga Federal District, a modern infectious diseases hospital, and an early cancer treatment facility in Orsk, which serves the eastern zone of the region. Regional funds are being used to completely renovate the Voynov regional clinical hospital. In the east and west of the region, all hospitals have been united into single medical centres that provide multi-faceted medical care. We have renovated 565 medical institutions – rural medical facilities, adult and children’s city clinics, and district hospitals. In small villages, 154 new medical and obstetrical stations and outpatient clinics have been put into operation. The decision that has been made at the federal level to continue modernizing primary care for another five years will allow us to fully bring order to the Orenburg Region’s clinics. These and the region’s numerous other achievements in public healthcare are the result of the practical application of the basic principles of Academician Semashko. His work lives on and benefits people, as well as Russian and global healthcare.”
Semashko zealously introduced the principles of active campaigning and involving public associations and the media in promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures, as well as debunking existing myths in society. Suvorova spoke about the role of society and the media in building a healthcare system during the Congress’s plenary session: “Interaction between the Russian Ministry of Health and the media plays a key role in shaping public health and well-being. Given the rapid technological development and globalization, media is becoming a powerful tool for promoting health-preserving principles. Films, cartoons, exhibitions, and other forms of media can inspire people to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The transparency and accessibility of information helps boost public trust in medical institutions and specialists. This, in turn, encourages people to participate more actively in prevention and treatment programmes. As such, cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the media, as well as the use of social media and other media platforms, is an important step towards improving public health. Together we can create a culture of health protection, where every person will understand the importance of prevention, regular check-ups, and a healthy lifestyle.”
The final part of the plenary session included an awards ceremony for the winners of the National Competition of Young Leaders and Healthcare Organizers. The competition was held by the Russian Research Institute of Health with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The awards ceremony was hosted by Golikova and Murashko.
The plenary session concluded with an opera ball featuring artists from the Helikon Opera musical theatre.
“Over the past three years, the National Healthcare Congress has become a major industry platform that has brought together key leaders in the health protection sector and representatives of government, business, and society from around the world, and is a place where the main trajectories for the industry’s development are established. This comprehensive approach helps create innovative solutions that improve people’s quality of life, provide access to advanced medical technologies, and contribute to the creation of a healthy and prosperous society. This year was particularly significant, since the theme of the Congress was dedicated to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Alexandrovich Semashko, a prominent figure in medicine and public health. This anniversary imbued the event with special meaning and emphasized the importance of historical heritage and its influence on modern achievements in healthcare. The Congress has not only become a platform for exchanging knowledge and experience, but also a symbol of the continuity of generations and the desire for excellence in medical practice,” First Deputy CEO for Development and Director of the Healthcare Directorate of the Roscongress Foundation Anastasia Stolkova said.
The two-day Congress featured more than 25 panel discussions on key health protection issues, which were attended by over 6,000 people from 15 countries, as well as more than 13,000 online participants. More than 100 members of the media worked at the Congress site.
Excursions to leading federal centres and research institutes were organized for the event participants on the day preceding the Congress.
The 3rd National Congress with International Participation “National Healthcare” opened with an awards ceremony for the winners of the national competition of doctors and specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, as well as a competition of young teachers from medical universities. During the opening, a film was shown with real stories collected by doctors from different regions of the country.
A thematic exhibition space dedicated to Semashko was presented on the sidelines of the National Healthcare Congress with photos from his biography, as well as exhibits used in his everyday life. During the Congress, leading industry experts discussed strategic ways to implement new national projects by building on and developing the ideas put forth by the prominent healthcare organizer.
Several cooperation agreements were signed at the Congress. The Roscongress Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with Nex-T. The Russian Gerontology Research and Clinical Centre of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health and the Nizhpharm Group signed a memorandum of partnership.
The intellectual partner of the Congress is the ROIM, the Russian Society of Historians of Medicine.
The technological partner of the National Healthcare Congress is the Russian manufacturer of displays and interactive equipment NexTouch.
The communication partner of the Congress is MAER Media Holding.
The strategic partner of the Congress is Skopinpharm.
The business programme partner is the Association of Medical Specialists for Modifying Risk (AMSMR).
Partners of the Congress: Petrovax, the BARS Group, R-Pharm, the Research Centre of Neurology, Swixx Healthcare, Sun Pharma, the Nizhfarm Group, RZD Medicine, Kapital MS, the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Promomed.
Official suppliers of the Congress: Daily Value – good nutrition for every single day, Legends of Baikal Water Econade®️ – lemonade that’s good for you.
General media partners of the National Healthcare Congress: TASS, RIA Novosti.
Digital partner: VK.
Media partners: Komsomolskaya pravda, Russian Media Group, News.ru, LIFE.ru, Lenta.ru, Gazeta.Ru, 1МI, ABN24, Regional Russia Magazine, Expert, Doctor TV, GxPnews, PharmMedProm, Medical News, the Remedium Group, Health Сare of the Russian Federation Magazine, Who is Who in Medicine, ‘Moscow Medicine. Cito’, ‘Moscow Medicine’ magazine, ‘City Healthcare’, ‘Doctor at Work’, the CON-PHARM.RU portal, the CON-MED.RU portal, the Russian Doctor Publishing House, ‘Poliklinika’ magazine.
The National Healthcare Congress 2024 is a flagship gala event for the medical community and the healthcare sector as a whole, which brings together industry leaders and managers, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities at the federal and regional levels, as well as leading Russian and foreign experts and opinion leaders to discuss the most pressing issues in healthcare, the modernization of the industry, and ways to strengthen public health in order to increase people’s life expectancy and improve their quality of life.
The expert discussion participants included opinion leaders in the healthcare sector, representatives of Russia’s federal executive bodies, healthcare experts, and heads of government agencies, major research centres, as well as medical and pharmaceutical companies. Experts from foreign countries also took part in the Congress.